Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Why Bucyrus Zeughaus?

My family and I live in Bucyrus, Ohio – so that part is pretty straight-forward. I enjoy firearms and have a few, so "arsenal" or "armory" might be appropriate. However, I don't sell or work on firearms for a living - and most of the armories and arsenals on the web do.

The foreign language I know best is German. It was my minor in school and all of our children were born in Nürnberg when we were stationed there. One of the features of German is that many, many words in German are identical or greatly resemble their equivalent in English – such as “Arsenal”.

In Nuremberg (the English spelling) there is a minor landmark in the old city, the Nürnberger Zeughaus. “Zeughaus” is an archaic word for “Arsenal” and this was the old armory built in 1588 – of which only the front gate survived/was restored after World War Two.

A third alternative would have been “Waffenlager”, but that has a whiff of “Grossdeutschland” that I’d just as soon avoid. In contrast, “Zeughaus” calls to mind cheerful, nutcracker soldiers in bright, shiny uniforms. Who could object to that?

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